bookmark_borderQA Case Study

QA Case Study is an article in which we’d like to share our work and experience on this project with you.

QA Case Study

This QA case study is about an investment management platform, a project that had some challenges for us.  

The platform included three websites: the admin site, the back-office site, and the user site. 

Our day-to-day activities started with meetings to decide our tasks and also to understand what we did the previous day. For the most part, we concentrated on Regression Testing and Smoke testing.

We worked with MySQL, which is a relational database management system, to introduce the necessary data. And as for security, we used a private VM.

Aside from that, we had to write the bugs we discovered and create test cases for the development team.

We had a table with our daily tasks when we started this project in the first month. We had a tutorial for each of them, and when we finished one, we had to demonstrate it. To do so, we had to enter a screenshot into the table to show that we had completed the task.


Another project task was to create BDD tickets based on the documentation provided to us.

The Regression testing contained 1500 tickets on which we had to do UI (user interface) testing and also API (Application Programming Interface) testing.

In terms of Smoke testing, which is the preliminary testing of the software after a build, we had 200 tickets before release. These tickets represented the application’s basic functionalities and had to be tested after each minor platform update.

The tickets covered the following topics: the creation of admin, user, and back-office user accounts, the creation of investments, the updating of investments, the authorization of investments and accounts, and the modification of assets.

This article exemplifies the level of professionalism we bring to every project we work on. Stay tuned for our next articles if you enjoyed this one and want to learn more about us and how we work.

bookmark_borderSupport QA Difficulties

Because of the support QA difficulties, many businesses prefer to not trouble with it. It’s not that they don’t want to improve their service delivery, but let’s face it! Launching a support quality assurance is difficult. But it’s not impossible! 

Here are a few common support quality difficulties and how you can overcome them:

Support QA Difficulties

There isn’t enough time

Consistency is essential for a successful QA program. Continued enforcement is necessary to remain relevant and effective.

Managing a team and getting their work done is difficult enough. A continuous commitment, such as QA, can cause even the most ambitious leaders to back down. 

Concentrate on the important tasks.

We devote half of our work time to extracurricular activities, according to a study published in the Harvard Business Review.

They recommend that you use the “Start, Stop, Continue” method to identify those low-value tasks. As a result, you can decide what to drop, assign, or redesign.

What does this mean for your support QA difficulties?

You have the option of delegating non-QA responsibilities or delegating some QA responsibilities.

The first choice means handling all QA-related tasks yourself. At first. 

The second option is to delegate all QA responsibilities to a team leader or a support supervisor.

If you go with the first option for your QA program, at least try to offload some of the load.

The second option will allow your teammates to assist you with tasks such as:

  • Choosing and managing random customer conversations for analysis;
  • Gathering and evaluating any conversations provided by agents;
  • They can score conversations using a support QA rubric that you provide.

There is too much data

Each week, support teams handle hundreds of customer inquiries.

Having such a volume of tickets, your team will face some challenges, like:

  • How to know which ticket to choose to review?
  • How to be fair, when choosing and evaluating a ticket?
  • How to review all those tickets?

Select a random sample of conversations to examine.

It’s unnecessary and unsustainable to review every agent-customer interaction. Make sure you get a representative sample, using your team’s most popular CRM tags. 

Agent-customer interactions ticket types may include: 

  • Password assistance
  • Shipping situation
  • Product bugs
  • Refund request
  • Technical support 

Unorganized software tools

In the early stage initiative, most support QA start in a spreadsheet.

They use a variety of tools and documents to set their goals across channels. As an outcome, manual QA program support teams will spend considerable time establishing things.

QA will be less effective and efficient keeping this level of maintenance as a company grows.

It’s impossible to solve issues in real-time if you review the actual conversations, weeks after they occurred. 

Because of the delayed feedback, the odds of negative customer interactions will increase. 

First, document the procedure.

Working with a manual system can be challenging. The benefit of using a manual system is that it can be adapted to the needs of your support team.

If you buy a QA tool without first testing it, it may focus on establishing procedures that aren’t ideal for your company. 

But, if you can put up with the clumsy limits of manual QA, you can also design a long-term process that allows you to buy a tool that supports it.

QA is viewed negatively by the team.

If your agents’ conversations and scores are constantly monitored, they may become anxious. Especially in the case that they never worked with QA methods. 

And even more, they may become resentful if there is trouble associated with their performance.  

Share with your team how quality assurance benefits everyone. 

Try and be as honest as possible about your goals for the QA program. Turn your wary agents into ecstatic coworkers who will enjoy the benefits of a QA program.

Explain how those benefits fit into the goals of the company:

  •  You will have a pretty good reputation.
  • It will reduce churn.
  • There will be executive support invested in the team.

And also, explain how your agents will know what’s in for them:

  • Skills that enable them to excel in difficult conversations.
  • Added opportunities are available for promotion and possibilities for appreciation.

bookmark_borderHigh-Quality Services

The world’s reliance on software is increasing. Our mission is to provide high-quality services to make the digital world a safe place.

High-Quality Services

Providing high-quality services is our company’s main focus for a wide range of products and platforms.

One of the stages we are working with is an English-level assessment tool, that grants members a certificate based on their capability.

The platform includes a variety of tests that assess various skills. Those skills include reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
They are designed for specific job fields that need a specialized type of vocabulary.
To access the test, each participant must enter a unique code that serves as identification.
Then they have to follow the instructions specific to the type of test the user is taking

The participant can also select the language in which they will take the test.

Each test starts with the requirements for a fair assessment, and failure to meet them causes the test to cancel or blocked.

As far as the content of the tests is concerned, they vary in complexity according to what aspect is being evaluated.

There are listening and reading tests, or listening, reading, speaking, and writing. There is a certain amount of time available for each answer, according to the complexity of the task. Running out of time grants no points for that question. 

The test results can be obtained either instantly – for low complexity tests or those that do not require facial identification – or later – for tests that require written essays or oral presentations. The user can access the results of the test/tests they’ve taken and they can also download the official language certificate.

When using the platform as a manager, you have access to a variety of resources.  The ability to view assessment activity, generate codes for people to access tests, and schedule tests, among other things.

As an admin, one can see the individual test answers and answer times but also grade the speaking and writing assignments.  

Software is seldom predictable and consistent, so the concept of a program without errors is unrealistic. 

Our approach to testing is that of uncovering errors in the program. We start with the assumption that errors are present and then test the program to find as many of them as possible.

By removing the errors, the program’s dependability improves, adding value to it. Adding value to a product is the aim of testing.

The work we do for this platform involves both manual and automation testing for it to run smoothly.

We also make sure the appointment dates for the tests show correctly, both for the manager and the participant, or that the participant’s interface demonstrates the same level of competence as the official certificate they receive.

Of course, we run tests after every update to the platform, to make sure everything is still running without difficulty.

To ensure the quality and functionality of the entire platform, we cover a wide range of issues. From making sure the test is using the language chosen by the participant, or that the timer for the answers runs properly, to ensure the recording function of speaking assignments is working.

Other critical issues we address concern the grading of test answers. For example. after a participant completes a test, we make sure the platform records the answers properly and that they receive the certificate they have earned, not a different one.

Our mission is to provide the best software and high-quality services possible. Ensure that everything runs smoothly for your projects. If you have any questions about the English-level tool, please email us at

We want to believe that we have done well thus far and have earned your trust in our future projects!

bookmark_borderImprove Your Software Quality

To improve your Software quality management is now an essential component of all stages of project management. To better serve its customers, every business takes a good website with a user-friendly web design. Our strategy is to provide you with the highest possible software quality, allowing you to complete your projects at a lower cost and with greater efficiency.

Improve Your Software Quality

How will your customers benefit if you improve your software quality?

Although it is easy to dismiss software upgrades as long as the site is operational, the fact of the matter is that unless your site is updated regularly as part of its maintenance, your site and business may be jeopardized.

Upgrading your software more frequently will allow you to operate at a higher level of performance, be more beneficial to your customers, maintain your company’s reputation and level of trust among customers, and remain a critical tool in assisting your business’s success.

Another significant reason to have a website service keep updating your site software is to take advantage of new features that are included in those updates that can improve the functionality of your site.

The more user-friendly your site is, the stronger it will perform for you. It includes everything from a greater interface for you and your designer to more beneficial functionality for your customers.

What are the advantages of keeping your software up to date, and how does it benefit your customers?

By keeping your software up to date, you can add new features, solve previously encountered problems, implement new and more user-friendly interfaces, and adapt to changing conditions.

Another significant benefit of updating your page more frequently is that you can consider user feedback, which will undoubtedly assist you in improving your software.

Why do you need to constantly monitor your software and look for problems?

It is easier and less expensive to monitor, investigate, and repair problems before your customer do. If this occurs, it may lead to a loss of trust in the software.

Furthermore, if you do not keep constant monitoring, your website may crash for a variety of unknown reasons.

Why do you need to fix the problems that have been discovered?

Problems that may occur can make the customer’s interaction with the application difficult or impossible.

Repairing the discovered issues allows the applications to do their jobs and avoids upsetting the client by selling a poor product.

What are Common Software Issues and how to repair them?

  • The data does not validate.
  • Some of the buttons are not responding.
  • There is a chance that some of the introduced data will not appear in the final table as you would like. Mostly because the DataBase was created incorrectly.

How much does it cost to fix an issue before your customer finds it?

Losing a customer will have a greater impact on your business than losing your programmer. So make certain that you will address the issue you discovered. It will undoubtedly benefit your company.

What does the customer think when you give them a troubled app? And it does not function as expected.

First and foremost, make every effort to avoid providing your customer with a broken app.

He’ll be disappointed because he wasted time and possibly money. As a result, he will not trust the product again, and will not visit the website again.

What does Pair programming mean? And how does it aid in the development of your software skills?

Pair programming is a method of agile software development in which two programmers collaborate at a single workstation. The driver writes code, while the analyst or navigator evaluates every line of code as it is entered. The two programmers frequently switch roles.

Do you want to raise the standard of your software? Allow us to show you how our quality assurance services and end-to-end approach can assist you in providing a better product to your customers. 

bookmark_borderQA și QA Engineer

Important de reținut este faptul  QA si QA Engineer sunt esentiali în orice domeniu. Reprezintă motivul pentru care suntem comozi în folosirea anumitor aplicații

Am pregătit pentru voi un articol cu 5 întrebări și 5 răspunsuri ce au ca domeniu QA și QA Engineer.

QA SI QA Engineer

Ce este software development-ul?

Software development-ul se referă la un întreg proces de activităti dedicate remedierii erorilor implicate în creearea șî întreținerea componentelor de software. Prin aceste activități înțelegem concepere, proiectare, programare, documentație și testare.

Ce înseamnă QA?

QA vine de la Quality Assurance. Este procesul care se asigură că treci prin ceea mai bună experiență în utilizarea anumitor aplicații.

Care este rolul unui QA engineer, într-o echipă de software development?

Există o mulțime de poziții în domeniul de Quality Assurance. QA Engineer este unul dintre acesteaÎn mod normal, aceste poziții diferă din punct de vedere al țitului însă activitatea principală este asemănătoare.

Difererența de titlu ține de fiecare firmă ce recrutează și de aplicațiile ce urmează a fii verificate și testate.

Principalul rol al unui QA engineer este  identifice cât mai repede defectele ce sunt prezente într-o aplicație și să ofere detalii cât mai exacte de reproducere pentru a putea fi reparate.

Acesta testeaza noi functionalitati, indentifica si raporteaza defectele, dezvolta teste si planuri de teste, dezvolta automatizarea si testeaza regresia,

Bugzilla, TestLink, Asana, Jira si Trello sunt unele dintre comunele unelte folosite pentru a monitoriza activitatile si pentru raportarea problemelor identificat.

Ce înseamnă un bug?

Un bug este o eroare/afecțiune care apare într-un program ce nu produce rezultatul dorit.

Ce înseamnă un software feature?

Software Feature, este termenul pe care îl folosim pentru un software care are mai multe opțiuni și capacități funcționale. 

Sperăm că veți găsi articolul folositor, indifirent de motivul pentru care a-ți căutat acest domeniu.

bookmark_borderWhy become a QA engineer – Benefits of a QA Engineer

Why become a QA engineer

Before we start discussing the benefits of a QA Engineer, let’s define first what it means so you can start with a clear understanding. 

What is a QA Engineer?

Let us first define a QA Engineer and why we need one in our lives. Or, to put it another way, why do we need one to make our lives easier?

How do you feel when your software fails? What if a communication software fails to send messages as it should? Perhaps your mobile app is constantly buggy, and your first thought is to look for a new app in the industry. 

A career as a QA engineer can be both challenging and rewarding. As a QA engineer, you will be responsible for ensuring the quality of software products. This can include testing products before they are released, as well as monitoring products after they have been released.

QA engineers must have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as experience with various software testing tools and techniques. If you are interested in a career in software quality assurance, then becoming a QA engineer may be the right choice for you.

Why become a QA Engineer?

Why become a QA Engineer?

As a QA engineer, you will be responsible for ensuring the quality of software products before they are released to customers. Here are 5 reasons why you should become a QA engineer:

1. There is a current and future demand for QA engineer

QA engineers are in high demand now and in the future. This is because of a variety of factors, including:

  • The increasing complexity of software systems
  • The need for faster software developments cycles
  • The need for better software quality
  • The rise of new technologies, such as cloud computing and DevOps
  • The increasing importance of customer satisfaction

2. QA engineers have the opportunity to work on a variety of projects

QA engineers have the opportunity to work on a variety of projects with regards to software development. This allows them to gain experience in different aspects of software development and learn new skills. It can be a great career move for those who are interested in software development and want to be involved in the quality assurance process.

Also, as a QA engineer you have the opportunity to work with a variety of people, including developers, testers and other QA.

QA engineering is a stable career with good jobs prospects

And excellent salary ranges too! The demand for QA engineers is expected to grow in line with the growth of the software industry. They are in high demand due to critical role they play in ensuring the quality of software products.

QA engineers are highly sough after by employers and can command high salaries.

3. Opportunity to work with the latest technologies and software programs

The future of QA looks very promising, with new technologies and software programs being developed all the time. As a QA engineer, you will have the opportunity to work with them.

4. Job Satisfaction

QA engineers are typically very satisfied with their job. They enjoy the challenge of finding and resolving defects, and the satisfaction of knowing that their work is helping to improve the quality of the software product.

5. QA Engineer have the opportunity to work remotely

This can be a great perk for many people, as it allows you to have a more flexible schedule and work from anywhere you have an internet connection. Additionally, working remotely can help you avoid some of the common office distractions and allow you to focus more on your work.


It saves you time

The time required to fix errors or problems varies depending on the stage of the software development process. Repairing a production error can take up to 150 times longer than fixing the same error during the requirements design stage.

Financial savings

Because Quality Engineers are skilled at determining where issues reside within a complex system, your developers will spend less time chasing down bugs during the development phase. As a benefit, Quality Engineers will save you time and money by directing developers in the right direction.

Increases Profitability

If you are developing software that you intend to market or sell, investing in QA will allow you to charge a higher price for your product. Nothing is worse than an irate customer who invested in a service that doesn’t work.

Testing Improves Product Confidence

Good software quality leads to increased confidence in the developed product. Only a sufficient number of tests guarantees our software’s compliance with the requirements. Developing software entails creating value for users, and poor quality prevents us from doing so.

Quality assurance raises the application’s level of safety.

It is possible to detect architecture errors that are not noticeable to the average user by running a series of security and efficacy tests. This reduces data leaks and strengthens protection against hacking attacks.

A high level of quality assurance improves the user experience.

It is a difficult task to create an optimal interface for applications that ensures user satisfaction while also assisting in the achievement of the organizational objectives. Because is through good UX that the user becomes attached to the application, optimizing UX necessitates an innovative approach.

It encourages organization, productivity, and effectiveness.

What you don’t want is a shambles of defective software, hectic communication, and hasty fixes. Having QA testing organized from the start of your development plan will operate smoothly and be more efficient with your time. You can start testing software as it is developed, rather than waiting until the end. You win, your customer wins, and their users win when software testing is an integrated component of your software strategy. 

A QA Engineer is essential for any company, whether it is product or service-based. Companies that develop software for clients are more likely to employ QA Analysts, QA Specialists, or QA Engineers to ensure the quality of the product.

bookmark_borderWhy Quality Assurance is Important

Quality Assurance is a procedure that all businesses should go through to verify that their products and services are up to par. Auditors, who are either business employees or independent, oversee QA. They assess and advise on various approaches. The procedure guards against errors, handle any issues that arise and assures consistency.

Here are 22 reasons why Quality Assurance is important:

1. Quality Assurance Helps You Stay Ahead Of Competitors

If you are looking to stay ahead of competitors, then you need to make sure that your products meet the highest standards possible. This means that you should perform thorough testing and analysis to ensure that your products are as good as they can be.

2. Quality Assurance Improves Productivity

If you are not sure how to improve your business’s quality assurance process, consider these tips. First, make sure your employees understand what quality means. Then, train them to follow the steps necessary to ensure quality. Finally, provide feedback to help them learn and improve.

QA is one of the most important aspects of business because it helps companies avoid costly mistakes. For example, if a company makes a mistake during production, it could result in a detective product that has to be recalled.

In addition, QA helps companies improve their products and services by providing feedback from customers. For instance, a customer who receives a faulty product might complain to the manufacturer, which then leads to improvements in the quality of future products.

3. Time saved by using quality assurance.

It may take time to set up systems that detect problems early on, but it will take even longer to fix faults once they have occurred.

A good example is software development. According to one study, fixing an error at the manufacturing stage takes ten times as long as fixing it at the specifications design stage.

4. Quality Assurance Reduces Costs

Any organization must include quality assurance (QA) as a crucial component. It ensures that your product or service meets customer expectations. This helps you avoid costly mistakes and saves money by preventing defects before they occur.

QA is one of the most important aspects of business because it helps companies avoid costly mistakes. For example, if a company makes a mistake during production, it could end up wasting resources and causing unnecessary costs. In addition, QA helps ensure that the product meets customer expectations. If a company doesn’t perform quality checks, a customer might be disappointed with the final product.

5. Quality Assurance Increases Customer Satisfaction

A company with high customer satisfaction will likely see higher profits than one with low customer satisfaction. That’s because customers who feel satisfied with the product or service they receive are more likely to recommend it to others.

6. Quality Assurance Makes Customers Feel Safe

A quality assurance program should be implemented at every stage of production. From design to manufacturing to packaging, there are several steps involved in creating a high-quality product.

QA is one of the most important aspects of business because it helps customers feel safe purchasing from a company. If a customer has doubts about whether or not a product will work properly, he or she might choose to purchase something else instead.

7. Quality Assurance validates the functionality of other features.

During validation, the generated product must meet the business requirements. During this process, features are constantly tried and new functionality is included.

8. Quality assurance ensures that results are consistent.

Consistency is crucial when it comes to services and products.

It makes a significant difference if a company follows the requirements, even if its product isn’t the finest on the market. As part of quality control, the company makes certain that all products and services are identical. No customer will receive something less or more than another.

9. More long-term benefit comes from quality assurance

Quality assurance can be profitable in a few ways. The first is not wasting time or materials to save money. The second benefit of quality is that it makes a company more competitive in the market.

Customers are willing to pay more for higher quality, so many businesses can raise their prices. Loyal stakeholders will promote a company, resulting in increased sales and long-term profitability.

10. Quality assurance guarantees that products and services continue to improve

The goal of the quality assurance process is to maintain high standards over time. Many of these requirements are based on what clients request.

Customers will provide suggestions to enhance a product or service as they interact with it. Businesses that care about their customers would listen to their comments and use them to improve and improve their products. The company will gain loyal customers as a result of this.

11. Quality assurance is important to a company’s reputation

A great reputation is essential in the corporate world. This cultivates loyalty so that when a new product or service is presented, clients will need to stay with a company they now know and believe in. Your reputation is important to all stakeholders, including investors and vendors. Only a corporation with a solid reputation will receive support from and cooperation from stakeholders.

To have a great reputation, quality assurance is essential.

12. Employee morale will improve as a result of quality assurance

Workers are more willing to exceed set-up measures on the off chance that they know what is anticipated. Quality assurance has a favorable influence on workers’ trust.

By putting quality assurance measures into place, employers may show staff members that “quality” is more than simply a buzzword. There are procedures in place to ensure that the company keeps its promises.

13. The basis of a company’s work culture is quality assurance

When a corporation prioritizes quality assurance, it establishes the tone for the organization’s operation. Each viewpoint of a company is filled with a desire for greatness, and everybody incorporates a part to play.

Everything that shows up to be blocking the company’s capacity to supply high-quality benefits to its clients is managed. Stakeholders, workers, and the company all benefit from a work culture centered on fulfilling specific criteria.

14. Correcting a mistake is easier if you catch it early

Fixing a problem early in the process implies fewer bugs and methods to break the software when it comes time to test it.

In case a bug is found earlier, the hazard, takes a toll, and convenience is decreased.

In case a necessity inconsistency is found during the plan handle, the impact of settling that issue is minor. Before moving on to the next stage of the process, you simply clarify the requirements and rectify the problem.

The results can be disastrous if the same imperfection isn’t found until the item is brought to the quality assurance office.

15. Assists with product documentation so that anyone can access it in the future

The more complex and large the stories are, the harder they are to comprehend. Coding and developing test cases becomes more challenging as a result.

QA can provide comments and ideas for user stories based on their experience.

16. Aids the product consumer in receiving what they have paid for

The buyer must get the quality for which he paid. This is why including your quality assurance team in your software project is so important. It will win your customer’s trust and prevent future problems. And, of course, for future initiatives, he will rely on your next price.

17. Recognize what has already gone wrong so it doesn’t happen again

As a result of completing numerous test methods, a quality assurance team gets a great deal of knowledge and understanding of the issue.

This will help prevent the problem from recurring, and your organization will save money on costly repair and maintenance work in the future.

18. The Team’s responsibilities are appropriately adjusted

The inclusion of quality assurance (QA) in a project aids in assigning the appropriate tasks to the appropriate employees. Anyone, in principle, can navigate through the app and test the various features.

Everyone can focus on their duties if there are professionals in control of quality assurance in the project. Additionally, individuals in charge of assuring the application’s quality pay it the respect it merits.

19. Quality assurance improves the application’s security

By executing a set of security and efficacy tests, it is feasible to uncover architecture issues that are not visible to the average user. As a result, information breaches are diminished, and hacking attacks are way better secured.

20. A high level of quality assurance improves the user experience

Creating an ideal application interface that guarantees user satisfaction while also supporting the achievement of corporate objectives is a difficult task. Because the user grows attracted to an application through strong UX, optimizing UX needs a creative approach.

21. Quality Assurance Increases Productivity and Efficiency

A broken piece of software may result in hasty fixes or frantic communication, both of which can aggravate the problem.

Everyone can operate more efficiently if they aren’t always dealing with issues that are time-consuming and difficult to correct. The company will run more legitimately and successfully in case quality assurance testing is organized from the beginning of the project.

22. Improved Communication

The gray box is where Quality Engineers work. They test systems as if they were end-users users, but they also have access to the underlying processes. This enables them to provide value to talks, especially those involving technical and non-technical responsibilities. Their distinct perspective aids in identifying holes from both a user and a system standpoint.

Quality Assurance is critical for any business, whether it sells products or provides services. To ensure the quality of the product, companies that develop software for clients are more likely to hire QA Analysts, QA Specialists, or QA Engineers.